Bekijk het interessante filmpje over de geschiedenis van Jonathan en zijn familie hieronder.
„We are not Arabic, but we are forced to speak Arabic because of the Islamic conquest of the Middle east.”.
„Because of all the things the Muslims did to Christians their (Libanon), they (Christians in Libanon) asked the Israeli government to help them and protect their families. “
„They started killing the Christians in South Libanon. They raped the wives and children and than killed them”.
„Their are many Arabs here (in Israel) they say that they are Palestinians. And I have a bit problem with that, because the Palestinians in South Libanon did all this thing to the Christians. So if they say they are Palestinian so they are against me.”
„The Israeli government and the Jewish people are good for the Christians, because if they weren’t here, I think their would’t be any Christians in the Middle-East. They protect the Christians and protect all the area’s that belong to them, if it’s in Jerusalem, the church, Nazareth, the Jordan river. Their are many places here belong to the Christians. I think it is good that Jews are here. They are more, well not liberal, but they accept people, they are more open to hear other ideas. I think it is good. If we want to speak and get peace, to understand each other, we have to talk and i think with the jews we can do it.”
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